Bed Bugs

Bed Bug services

Bed bug services with Houchins Pest Control Service. We provide residential and commercial bed bug extermination services to eliminate these bothersome pests from your home and workplace. At Houchins Pest Control Service, we understand how easily bed bugs can hide and be transported from place to place in folded clothes, bedding, furniture, luggage, and other areas. Contact Houchins Pest Control Service today to learn more about our professional bed bug extermination services. Give us a call at (804) 458-1332 now to request a bed bug inspection.
Bed Bug — Prince George, VA — Houchins Pest Control Service

How Do I Identify Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs can live in buses, trains, movie theaters, hotels, homes, and many other places. No home or business is automatically immune to bed bug infestation even with excellent cleaning habits. Bed bugs leave behind stains on mattresses, cast skins, and red bit marks in a row which will cause severe itching and inflammation. Adult bed bugs are usually 3/16" long with an oval shape and have a rusty red color.

Schedule A Bed Bug Inspection Today

Reach out to Houchins Pest Control Service today to schedule a bed bug inspection. Call (804) 458-1332 now to speak with our knowledgeable team. We will inspect your property to determine if you have bed bugs and provide a solution to eliminate your pest problems.
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